Friday, November 13, 2009


My cover design has been accepted to Cell, Stem Cell Magazine! My first cover. Awesome!

Hang Up

AIGA San Francisco presents its Annual Fall Gala: “Hung Up.” Hosted at The Galleria at the San Francisco Design Center, the event attracts 700 attendees and will feature custom-designed skateboard decks. Not only is the Gala an opportunity for the design community to come together and appreciate our creative spirit, but it is also a special evening for our sponsorship partners.

AIGA San Francisco is celebrating the art of skateboarding and are inviting artists and designers to contribute custom skate decks, which will be auctioned off at the end of the night. In addition to the silent auction, there will be a raffle — ranging from posters, restaurant vouchers and magazine subscriptions to a copy of Adobe CS4 — and a live art component.

I took home this lovely Caterpillar skateboard that I won in the auction, and this black and white deck that I won in the raffle. There were some cool boards at the event, cool people, and cool sponsors. Yesterday was a good day.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I love Halloween, that is all.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

East Bay Licensing Meeting

I joined the East Bay licensing group and went to my first meeting last Saturday. Cheryl Phelps gave a talk about licensing and answered many questions. My goal is to get an agent by the end of 2010. After things in my life calm down in January, I am going to focus my extra time on getting my licensing act together and revamping my entire web site.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Roadworks Show

My block print is for the Roadworks show. This is a combo art show and street fair. All of the prints in this show are made at the fair by being rolled over by a steam roller. The weather was beautiful and I learned a lot about different book making and printmaking organizations in the Bay Area and learned of a few other events I would like to attend.
One of my friends from Vermont (who now lives in Oakland) came to the show and brought his cute as a button 3 year old who made a print at the kids table. It was a very relaxing event and I can't wait until next year.

Creating a Block Print

I created a block print for the Roadworks show in San Francisco. I wanted to do a small addition of 12 prints before handing my lino block to the show. I am doing a small print exchange with 3 other srtists and a handful of my friends wanted a print as well. Here are a few shots of the carving and printing process.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I painted a few reptiles for an article about heart development. I love to paint, I need to do it more.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Memory Walk Tee Shirt Design

I designed the Memory Walk Tee Shirt For our Neurological Department. Here is the design, the institute color is green and I thought this would stand out in a sea of white and purple shirts.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Erica Sunshine Lee Photo Shoot

Erica is a long time client of mine. I am currently designing her CD for her upcoming album "Road to Recovery." These pictures are from the photo shoot we did with I was there art directing and assisting. It was 95º and we were all sweating. We got some really good shots, now on to the design.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Gladstone Golf Tournament

Yesterday we had our annual Gladstone golf tournament. There were 4 teams (GICD, GIVI, GIND, and Admin). In a stunning display of golfing skill producing 10 birdies in 18 holes, the GIND team beat back all comers and won the 2009 Gladstone Cup. GIVI finished -6, Admin +2 and GICD +4. I was on the Admin team and we finished in third place, next year we will take the cup. We played at Presidio in the city. This was the first time I played here, and it won't be the last. The course is beautiful and the weather was fantastic. I won most improved player, watch out LPGA!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

30 Year T-shirt

Here is a Tee I designed for an in-house contest. I have to represent the department, it's embarrassing when someone in Neuro wins the art competitions. The theme is "30 years of scientific excellence." I drew all of the directors as bobble-heads.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Recently there have been many changes in my life. Change is good, but not easy. Sometimes I stop, step back from my life and ask myself "is this working for me?" And usually I can say "no" to a number of things. Many things I do in life I have learned from my parents, friends, and/or teachers and never question because that's all I know. The more educated I have become the more I have started to question, and more changes have taken place.
Recently I have been exposed to a higher level of design then I knew existed. Not only talent-wise, but design that makes a change in the world. Design that connects people, inspires people, and in some cases saves lives. This change has been mind blowing. This knowledge takes everything I have been working on for the past 8 years and puts it in a new perspective. Where I thought I was and where I really am are very different. And before all of the classes, talks, and events I didn't have this new scale to weigh my career. It's humbling, and at times frustrating.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I work in-house for The J. David Gladstone Institute and I sit in a cubicle. And our cubes are in 6 packs. . My scientists come down to visit me and go over figures all the time, and they always take Reven's extra chair to sit in. He always makes comments like "you are going to have to pay rent on that chair," or "that's my chair do you have permission to sit there," but I just ignore him. Yesterday my favorite scientist came down to go over some changes on figures, and he took the special chair to sit in. I guess that was the last straw for Reven. This morning someone who shall remain nameless pulled the chair out to sit on like many people do and fell to the floor. Sometime during the night Rteven removed 2 of the wheels so that the chair still rolls but when you sit it throws you to the floor. I have never seen anything this funny ever. I can't wait for some of the scientists to come take a seat. I'm going to invite people I don't like to come down so I can see them get thrown to the floor. This is the start of something beautiful.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Design Class

I've been taking a Design class at CCA for the last 8 weeks with Jacob Gardner (he works at Chronicle Books). It has been great to be critiqued. Having homework has been a bit of a trip. I might take a Typography Class at the Art Academy in the fall but I'm not sure if I can fit it into my schedule. This logo is one of the assignments I did for class.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Intern

Everyone I would like you to meet Nikki. The newest (and only) other member of AWI. She joined me as an intern in January. I am teaching her the ropes (or at least my skewed version of the ropes) and she is helping me with many difficult tasks. We are working on laying out and redesigning my portfolio. I think there is light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe. . . .

Nikki lives in San Francisco and is a Student at the Academy Of Art. She is a fast learner and has a good eye for design. She also loves Abe Lincoln (don't ask.)

Monday, June 22, 2009

NYC-Surtex and Stationary shows

I went to NYC for a week to see the Surtex and Stationary shows. These shows are for the giftware industry. I saw some awesome products and designs and had my work in Total Art Licensing (one of the big magazines they give out for the trade show.) I was so inspired by all of the designs. I wish I could work on my greeting cards full time. I reconnected with my best friend from second grade (thank you facebook) and turns out she is also a designer. It was design week in NYC and I got to go to some really great furniture design after parties including one at the Design Within Reach store. I also met up with a friend from college who is now working in the giftware industry for a company who makes bedding and bath collections. She gave me some great insight.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Spring Flowers

May is here and it seems time passes by so fast. I have a lot going on this month including a trade show visit to New York and a total Portfolio redesign. I'm hoping to update my website next. That project will probably take place in June and July. I'm so glad spring is here and the weather is warm. It feels like a time of change and new beginnings. I think as an artist I always have to be reinventing my self and learning new things.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Alameda Point Antiques and Collectibles Faire

I went to The Alameda Point Antiques and Collectibles Faire a few weeks ago. It was a beautiful day and I walked around for hours just looking at all of the cool stuff. I was very inspired by all of the typography items, and collections of everything from baby doll legs to flower frogs. I have always been a collector. When I was little I had lots of collections, X-man cards, POGs, Calenders, hotel samples, PEZ Dispensers, Barbies, baby dolls, Old Lady Necklaces, beads, and on and on. I loved Collections! And I still love them. I'm not so much into physical collections anymore. I like to collect images that I make. Greeting card Licensing Collections. I love having a body (or collection) of work that goes together.
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