Monday, September 12, 2011

30 Day Challenge

I've seen this 30 day challenge on many other people's blogs and I've decided to jump on the band wagon. Feel free to do the same and send me a link to your challenge. I'm going to do theses at whatever pace they come, I'm not trying to finish them in 30 days, but if I do good for me. Photo by Matt Stevenson.

1. Five ways to win your heart
2. Something you feel strongly about
3. A book you love
4. Bullet your whole day
5. Things you want to say to an ex
6. Your view on mainstream music
7. Five pet peeves
8. What you ate today
9. How important you think education is
10. Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play
11. Your Family
12. Five guys/girls you find attractive
13. Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it
14. What you wore today
15. Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality
16. Something you always think "what if. . ." about
17. Something that you are proud of
18. A problem you have had
19. Five items you lust after
20. Your fears
21. How you hope your future will be like
22. Your Academics
23. Something that you miss
24. Five words/phrases that make you laugh
25. Something you are currently worrying about
26. Things that you like/dislike about yourself
27. A quote you try to live by
28. Somewhere you would like to move or visit
29. Five weird things that you like
30. One thing you are excited for


susan hemann said...

Not sure what you do for the challenge. One thing on the list each day?

Alisha Wilson said...

Hi Susan,

Yes the challenge is to do all 30 posts on your blog.
You can do them at what ever pace you are comfortable. One each day is ideal.

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